Education Programs


The philosophy and values of the school are implemented through our curriculum and pedagogy.  All learning programs are based on the Australian Curriculum.

Key Learning Areas:

Our approach to teaching Mathematics and Spelling is articulated through our belief statements.  These beliefs were jointly developed by the teaching staff at Hawker School.

Spelling Beliefs Statement:

Child writting

Mathematics Beliefs Statement:

We have preferred resources which we use across the school to deliver the Australian curriculum.  These include:

Teaching and Learning at Hawker School reflects the core principles from the ACT Public Schools Pedagogical Framework Guide.

These are:

Planning for student-centred learning

High Expectations

Alignment of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment

Evidence-based decision making

Targeted, explicit and scaffolded instruction

Safe, supportive, connected and inclusive learning environments

A school based pedagogical framework has been developed with staff to ensure consistency of practice and supports our staff to know what teaching and learning looks like at Hawker School.

Extension and Enrichment:

Hawker School offers extension and enrichment opportunities depending on student need.  These opportunities include Maths extension and enrichment lessons with specialist staff, reading and writing extension groups.  Students who are involved in these programs are identified by classroom teachers as well as the student support team using school based and external data sources.  Maths extension students work on preparing for the Australian Maths Trust competition held in Term 3 of each year.  Students also have the opportunity to participate in the ICAS competitions in Maths and English. These are typically held in Term 3 and are held at the school.

Specialist Programs:

At Hawker School students participate in specialised subjects for one 45 minute session per week.  Each year level has a specific day for their specialist subjects and from 11:00 to 3:00 rotate through these lessons.  These subjects include:

Music (Kindergarten to Year 6)

French (Kindergarten to Year 6)

Mental Health and Wellbeing (Kindergarten to Year 6)

PE (Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 3, Years 5 and 6)

Technology (Years 2 and 4)

Student Support

Our student support team consists of an Executive teacher, Learning support specialist, Mental Health and Wellbeing Teacher and School Psychologist.  The team meets weekly and leads the management and support of student academic, social and behavioural needs.  Classroom teachers can make referrals to the student support team for specific student concerns.

At Hawker School every year level has an additional teacher during morning sessions and at other key times throughout the day to support a differentiated program.  The additional teachers take small groups of students who require support either intervention or extension.  They plan with classroom teachers and deliver lessons targeted to the student’s point of need.

School Psychologist

Hawker School has a school psychologist who works part-time to assist children and families with any issues and to administer diagnostic tests when required.  Students and families may initiate a meeting with the school psychologist at any time by contacting the front office.